

Approved maintenance centre for:                                    


Avialta Helicopter Maintenance Ltd. is a Transport Canada approved helicopter repair and overhaul service centre and Bell Customer Service Facility in operation for over 40 years. We are located at the Villeneuve Airport (CZVL), just outside of Edmonton, Alberta.

Our factory trained and certified Aircraft Maintenance Engineers and team specialize in the following services:

  • Aircraft Repairs and Maintenance (On-site & Field Maintenance)

  • Dynamic Component and Engine Overhauls

  • Aircraft Structural/Airframe Repairs/Sheet Metal

  • Avionics

  • SAFRAN Arriel I & II, Levels I & II

  • Custom Paint and Aircraft Refurbishment

  • New and Overhauled Part Sales

  • Tool and Part/Component Rentals

  • Helicopter Leases/sales/Pre-Purchase inspections and Evaluations




Looking for maintenance costs, paint pricing, component overhaul or rental ? Request a quote. All estimates are free and based on your needs.